Cwmgelli Allotments

Cultivating inspiration for 2024

Vince · Feb 4, 2024
4 mins read · 2

If you are stuck for ideas about what to grow on your allotment this year, our members are itching to get sowing and have shared some of the things they will be giving a grow.

'Roodnerf' Brussels Sprout

All being well, Linda and Chris will be enjoying these Brussels Sprouts with their Christmas dinner. An old Dutch strain with a good reputation for producing large numbers of nice tight sprouts. In scientific studies of vegetable pests it has been found to be particularly resistant to insects and disease. Well regarded as one of the best of the old fashioned sprout varieties still in existence!

From: Real Seeds (Cymru)

'Count Dracula' Chilli

Alan will be growing Chilli pepper 'Count Dracula' which yields frighteningly hot fruits about 2 inches long. The jet black chillis ripen to blood red. The plant has purple flowers, black leaves and black stems making it a striking specimen. With a Scoville rating 25-50,000 this chilli not only looks the part but has a big bite!

From: Red Dragon Seeds (Cymru)

'Boltardy' Beetroot

Beetroot can be a challenge at Cwmgelli - what with the bastard sparrows nipping the tops out. I thought Jimmy was pulling my leg when he passed this information on, until I saw them shredding my young seedlings. Gareth has been unsuccessful with beetroot before and is determined to rectify this in 2024. He's decided to stick with the common Boltardy variety used by growers up and down he country. Pob lwc Gareth!

From: Kings Seeds

Root Ginger

A native of India, China and Southeast Asia, but Paul is confident we can grow this in soggy Abertawe! I have faith in Paul's optimism and will be giving it a go myself. Of course, since it naturally grows in tropical climates, ginger loves humidity. Therefore, although it is relatively easy to grow, you will find your crop will do a lot better in a greenhouse or polytunnel. Just grab a hand from the supermarket and have a go.

From: Most supermarkets

'Atlantis' Broccoli

Atlantis Broccoli is a fast growing summer sprouting variety with good heat resistance and a long harvesting phase. Great to grow for it's many uses in the kitchen. Roasting, steaming, grilling, or even making soup! If Kelly and Mark have as much success with this as their pumpkins there will be a broccoli epidemic in Gelli Aur!

From: Lidl

'Futsu Black Early' Winter Squash

As usual I will be trying a different squash variety - I can't help myself. This year it is the hundreds of years old Japanese heirloom variety 'Futsu Black Early'. The fruits begin dark green - almost charcoal black - with deep ribs and wrinkles. As they mature, they turn dusky grey-orange, developing a wonderful nutty flavour and sweetness.

I also made use of our AGC discount to save 50% on these seeds :)

From: Dobies

Whatever you are planning on growing, pob lwc pawb - tyfu hapus! :)


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If the ginger grows as well as last years Thai basil we should have makings of a communal curry with Alan’s chilli and Kelly’s broccoli. Just need a cook !

I am having a go at growing ginger too, I've managed to get a couple of bits going!